Bands, Comedians, Magicians, and Entertainers band video, video

If you have a band, musical group, or you are a single guitar vocalist or entertainer, then you need a tool to show potential clients what you look and sound like. Having a professionally made video is a necessity to getting you more quality jobs, and bringing you new clients. I know what agents and club owners are looking for, and can produce a video that does what it's suppose to...get you work! I can plug directly in to your mixing board for a perfect sound transfer, and the camera does the rest. Being a guitar player myself, I know how to shoot a band, focusing on the right players at just the right time, making you all look the the pros that you are. If you are a comedian, magician, or other visual entertainer, you wear a remote wireless mic and the sound is absolutely perfect when you speak. This is the kind of video that gets you noticed and brings you more and better clients. And since it's easy to tape on location, we can get crowd reaction for even greater impact.

Dazed & Confused Band VIDEO You need Quicktime Player, if you don't have it Click here to download

CLICK HERE FOR The Bleeding Deacons Youtube example


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